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D0.1 Project Presentation CONSULINTEL
D0.2 Project Website CONSULINTEL
D0.5.1 D0.5.2 D0.5.3 Annual Dissemination, Clustering and Standardization Report CONSULINTEL
D0.6 Final Project Report CONSULINTEL
D1.1 Requirements from an end-user perspective Soton-ECS
D1.2 Requirements from a network operator perspective TILAB
D2.1 Alternative approaches to multihoming UC3M
D2.2 Alternative approaches to avoid provider captivity INETTECH
D2.3 Alternative approaches to traffic engineering UC3M
D2.4 Alternative approaches to intra site stability UNINETT
D3.1 Evolution scenario for BGP Soton-ECS
D3.2 Analysis of proposed inter-domain routing architectures CSC
D3.3 Recommendations for the inter-domain routing architecture of next generation networks Soton-ECS